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Friday, November 21, 2008

☆Guessing Game Final☆

I completed what I was making the last few days(^-^)v

Well...this was what I was up to yesterday...

Let's continue!!!

1. We will now use white acrylic mixture to design 2 new shapes.
A completed shape is shown in the top half of the pictures below.


2. Make a hole by twisting the brush,
the acrylic mixture can then be pushed really hard to shape them.

3. Colour them with acrylic paint.

4. Colour the main part with
red nail polish.

5. Colour inside with acrylic paint.

6. Apply top coat and attatch them together
using tweezers.

...then COMPLETED!!!!

Can you tell what it is now???

I was trying to make a sleigh for Santa Claus(^-^)

I hope you enjoyed such a long guessing game!!

I sometimes make things like this
when I don't feel like designing on nails(^o^)v

It might take some time, 
but it's not difficult at all...
I hope you can have lots of fun too
creating anything you want with acrylics(^o^)q

Thank you~♪

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