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Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Beginning!!

Did you enjoy your Christmas and New Year's holiday??
I had the most wonderful holiday ever!!!
\(^∀^)/ yay

It is a Japanese tradition to have Soba soup noodles

on new year's eve ☆
I cooked some prawns and sea weed tempura as well...



And added them on top!

And then
it is also a Japanese tradition to have rice cakes on new year.


Putting them in a bowl of simple vegetable soup
and it'll make your body nice and warm!!

it's summer and very hot here in Australia!!

This is my pedicure photo
which was taken at the beach, with a little present that I found(^ω^)

It's hard to see but there are white stars

on the yellow base ☆

Hee hee!!

It's been a while for me to write my blog!!
I'll keep going nice and slow, he he,

so it'll be great if you could check my blog once in a while
this year too!!

Thank you~♪

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